Energy Resiliency Has Never Been Better
Grid-tied or remote, there is growing global interest in microgrids large and small to increase energy resiliency and capacity without requiring centralized infrastructure investment. Fuel cells are becoming integral microgrid components.
Reliability for Microgrid Customers
In locations where utility grid power is unreliable, unavailable, or intermittently shut off due to overcapacity, public safety power shutoffs, or environmental concerns like wildfires, microgrids offer end users improved reliability of power supply. GenSure fuel cells are an important component of microgrid development, providing zero-emission backup power that works in conjunction with energy storage and other distributed energy to provide self-sufficiency to the companies and municipalities using them.
Plug GenSure provides microgrid fuel cell power hive for Stone Edge Farm
Stone Edge Farm wanted to see how far it could reduce the carbon footprint of its 16-acre organic winery and farm in Sonoma, Calif. The farm’s initial goal was a 50% reduction, which it reached in the first year. Now, the winery is trying to see how far below a zero carbon footprint it can go.
Photo by Jonathan Colon